Friday, April 16, 2010

boat coffee

When you are seriously fishing and running three lines on the troll, you are busy. The herring strip has to have the right action and be checked repeatedly for weed if the water is littered. The strip has to be changed regularly. The treble hooks have to be sharpened to hold a strike and the depth of your bait requires repeated changing in order to locate the level the salmon are at. Also, with the time for the tide change, and the Solunar Tables for bite times, these critical events dictate a further frenzy of activity to get the location right and a effective and straight run. Moreover, all the other boats are vying for what seems the best position, and scanning the horizon, looking to see who is catching fish, and where, and what gulls are showing a herring or bait ball being pushed to the surface by underlying fish. Steering through tide whirlpools and missing depth changes can lead to line tangles, loss of gear on the bottom, and loss of precious fishing time. How then, given this activity, is it possible to dovetail time for coffee? Boat coffee is the answer. In our family it was famous . Made with a kettle on the propane stove in the midst of this frenzy, water not necessarily quite boiled,poured in a plastic cup with instant coffee dashed in, sugar dashed in, and the white powdered peril added. Usually stirred with a screwdriver or pencil. The boat is always damp, so the coffee in the jar, the whitener and the sugar were always caked a bit, so have to be levered out with the screwdriver or the fish knife. You may find this hard to believe, but in the great scheme of things, boat coffee is delicious. The alternative was Chicken in a Mug. It's not really chicken and we didn't have a mug. The water was always just warm enough to mix the powder. It was a salty concoction of dubious chemical composition and was equally caked to a semi-hard concrete consistency in the jar. It's relationship to a chicken may be suspect. Nevertheless it was good on a cold winter morning on the bounding main and gave one a feeling of satisfaction and satiation. It just goes to show that it's not what you eat, but where you eat it, and with whom you eat, that really matters.

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