Sunday, June 20, 2010

First Nation's Spirit

It has become increasingly apparent that the First Nations in this country have deep spirituality and equally deep appreciation of their roots. Such is hardship, that gives birth to these expressions of continuity with the Earth and the Spirit! They were of course always there with First Nations, but there is an increasing awareness that they are providing a leadership in these matters that a fragmented and increasingly secular world has lost. They have a new strength and the Spirit is moving amongst them. They are unabashedly celebrating the Spirit and the Roots they have taken ownership of. It is uniquely theirs. This is an unabashed willingness to proclaim a heritage that was undermined for centuries. There is not always blame, in my mind, for the past injustice that was perpetrated on the First Nations since it was often out of ignorance rather than malice on the part of our "white culture". We can really never walk in ancient shoes! Cultural genocide, ignorant or evil, is" a darkness", by any other name." a darkness". The current forgiveness they have provided is a blessing to us, but we should never forget! The strong sense of a coming together of First Nations seems to have gained a momentum that will grow like the snowball down the hill. What a turnabout, that the former, that we proselytized in the old days, have now provided a new, strong and needed example to the rest of us. Would that we would listen!

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